An untamed vision —

I started From Tejas to help preserve the land in the best way I know how — photography.

I’ve been a photographer for 8+ years, but it wasn’t until I started photographing Texas landscapes that I felt a deep connection to my work. There was a different purpose in it, a deeper meaning.

I've lived in Texas my whole life. Growing up, I saw countless photos of my relatives from generations ago, whether they were enjoying the Frio River, teaching in Marfa, or enjoying the lands of the Hill Country. But what I see in those photos has changed, some for the better and some for the worse. Regardless, it's now my goal to capture the land I love through my own photography, contributing to its preservation.

From Tejas was founded by Texans with a pure adoration and devotion to the Lone Star State.

How It Works

New collections are released periodically that highlight the beauty of Texas.

Each collections features fine art mini prints and large format, customizable prints that capture the essence of Tejas: our land, culture, and expansive freedom.